Domiciliary Care services at clinics and medical centers
As a Veterinary ophthalmologist, I have been working together with the veterinary clinics throughout Lazio and Molise for years, providing a clinical and surgical ophthalmological consultancy service directly at their facilities.
Se il tuo studio è alla ricerca di una consulenza o di una collaborazione costante con un oftalmologo veterinario, non esitare a contattarmi.
Your facility will be able to guarantee a more complete service and facilitate the diagnostic process of patients, giving them the opportunity to investigate their clinical situation while remaining in their own comfort zone.
I carry out a comprehensive specialist examination, lasting about an hour, at the clinics that request it.
If the facility is equipped with a surgical room and can carry out anesthesia, I will perform annexes surgery on-site. Follow-up treatments and exams will be carried out at the local clinic too. During the visit, some photos will be taken and a report will be issued to document the evolution of the disease.
Telephone availability is guaranteed.
Are you a clinic or a private practice?
Do you need expert advice for your patients?
Service list
It is a diagnostic test carried out with a slit lamp or biomicroscope. It allows an accurate inspection of the eyeball and the ocular adnexa.
During this exam, the back of the eye (Fund), which includes the retina, optic disc, cornea and blood vessels, will be closely observed for abnormalities. A direct or indirect ophthalmoscope can be used to perform ophthalmoscopy. The first instrument resembles a small flashlight and it’s able to detect a direct image of the fundus; the second one , on the other hand, is a binocular device capable of reaching areas that are inaccessible with the first method. However, an inverted image is obtained.
Through the use of a particular lens, called gonioscopy lens, the intersection between the iris and the cornea is examined.
Vital dyes are capable of evaluating tear defects and tear quality alterations.
It is a specific diagnostic test. It allows to evaluate the electrical responses of various cell types in the retina giving a qualitative analysis.
It is a test that allows the quantitative evaluation of the tear film.
Investigation to evaluate retinal and optic nerve functionality.
Fitting of medically necessary contact lenses for the treatment of corneal diseases.
Certificati FSA per oculopatie ereditarie
La tecnica è la stessa impiegata già da tempo nell ‘uomo, ma negli animali tutta la procedura risulta più complicata: per esempio è sempre necessaria l’anestesia generale, per cui è richiesto un complessivo buono stato di salute dell’animale.